2nd of May
After i had my 板面(the food i love the most) with my parents, then i went to Time Square to meet Siew Wei as we planned to watch “The Shinjuku Incident" with the free tickets provided by GSC.. after i watched the movie, finally i know why it is for 18 years old and above.. too much of bloody scene.. the Japanese are damn cruel to the Chinese!! my impressions towards the Japanese people are getting bad.. but then i like the movie as it emphasises on people with money and power will tend to overuse it... 人都会丧失理智。。。
then something unexpected happened!! Siew Wei gave me my birthday present!! and she told me she often read my blog..touch .. touch touch.. but then i thought i said i like bear bear.. but y become a dog? i wonder y minda ceria's students like to give me dog.. this is my second dog.. hehe.. anyway i really love this dog.. smell so nice.. when i hug it, i easily fall into sleep
**sorry for the late posting.. too busy...