We have SG outing yesterday!
it was really a success!
Congratulations everyone!
okay, i kind of lazy.. since pictures speak a thousand words.. Enjoy the pictures.......
Before BBQ:
due to the rain, from outdoor activities, we change to indoor.. but i think everyone still have fun in Justyn's house
guys playing xbox while the girls playing with cards
my son is so concentrated! ya... concentrated while playing games!
killer, innocent and detective? i really bad in doing killer and detective!
BBQ Session starts:
guys are working hard to start the fire..they really have a hard time doing that... is it reflects Sean's group pw topic : The lack of DIY skills?
A different way to play frisbee? Do you play frisbee in the pool before? Let's see how it plays...
notice the way he stands...funny right?^^
Then we proceed to tennis court... we played tennis and badminton in the tennis court.. i din get to try tennis...but i played BADMINTON!! and also, i played frisbee using my left hand... That's so fun!